
Monday, June 30, 2014

Dogs Really Are a Mans (or Woman's) Best Friend

For the last 9 hours I've been laying in bed dealing with the pain of two back to back migraines complete with auras, pain, sensitivity to light, and nausea. I hope it goes away soon.  But until it does, I have my constant companion laying beside me. She has missed out on her morning and afternoon play routine, but you wouldn't know she missed anything judging by her totally relaxed posture.

Thank you sweetie for hanging with your sick mommy. I promise I will make it up to you tomorrow.

*Yes she is wearing a "shock collar" but I'm not abusing her, the tips are covered with rubber and the only setting I use is the vibrate. It is just enough distraction to stop her from chasing and pounding on my cats. She is way bigger than they are and can easily overpower them. My cats don't know aggressive dogs, so they don't fight back. So far it's working to remind her that "cats are our friends."


  1. What would we do without dogs. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. She is so cute! Thank you for your kind comments about Jamie on my blog.


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